Bringing Baby Home



The Bringing Baby Home Workshop

Why do I need to take a class on becoming a new parent?

Having a baby really does change your life! As much joy as a new baby brings to parents, the addition of a child is also one of the most stressful things that can happen to a couple’s relationship. In fact, 69% of new parents report increased conflict and disappointment in their partner relationship after the birth of their baby!

What will we learn?

Bringing Baby Home is a workshop for pregnant couples and parents of infants and toddlers to learn parenting and relationship skills that will last a lifetime. Offered in a 2-day format or as a private intensive session, BBH will help prepare you for life with your baby and discover how to be the best parenting team possible.  This seminar is for both parents and expecting couples.

What will the class be like?  In a fun, interactive, relaxed and supportive environment with Gottman Certified Educator, Randel Duncan, MA, LPC, you will learn how to strengthen your relationship with your partner and foster your baby’s development during this new and challenging time in your life. In addition, you’ll walk away with an intentional plan for creating a caring and nurturing atmosphere in your home, as well as proven skills to help you both manage conflict in a positive way.  This class is designed to help you successfully navigate the challenging moments that the joy of a new child can create in your marriage relationship and to ensure your new baby has the best environment in which to grow and thrive.

How should we expect this class will benefit us? BBH-Web-Button

In this 2 day seminar you will learn how to:

  • Stay connected with your partner
  • Strengthen your friendship, intimacy and conflict regulation skills
  • Interact with your baby in a positive way
  • Keep both parents involved
  • Deal with conflict successfully

It works!

Bringing Baby Home is different than other classes for new parents.  Bringing Baby Home was developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman; leading experts in the fields of marriage and early parenting.  Unlike many other programs, Bringing Baby Home is based on best practices supported by research findings and has been shown to increase the chances that a couple will successfully navigate this stressful period in their relationship.

What’s the class like? 

Through a series of dynamic short presentations, exercises, video clips and facilitated group discussion the workshop provides research-based information and guidance to help couples begin to navigate the challenges of transitioning to parenthood.  Randel is known as an engaging presenter, educator, and facilitator, but your involvement in the class is what will make it special.

This workshop can be taken during pregnancy or with your newborn (before crawling) baby. Please contact Randel if you have questions or need more information:

  • When: TBD
  • Hours: 9am-4pm (with an hour lunch break)
  • Where: TBD
  • Cost: $110 + $39 materials (full payment of $149 is due at time of registration)


Registration will be opening soon for the group class.  To schedule a private BBH intensive, call the office at 806.410.0238 to schedule an appointment.  Due to the nature and time involved in a BBH intensive, BBH intensives cannot be scheduled through the secure client portal and must be scheduled directly with our office.