Marriage Counseling

If you are looking for premarital counseling, please visit our Premarital Counseling page.


Your marriage is worth it!


As you already know from personal experience, a marriage can be emotionally painful, relationally challenging, and even deeply wounded by moments of betrayal.  Love, joy, peace, hope, and a full heart can be displaced in a moment or over time by anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, resentment, or even hopelessness. 

Relational health, emotional wholeness, and marital satisfaction…it’s all still possible, but navigating the path from hurt to healing sometimes requires some outside assistance. At Life by Design Wellness, we are honored to come alongside couples to provide an environment of support, hope, and encouragement, as well as new insights, strategies, and solutions for a healthier relationship.

There are no guarantees in the context of relationships and counseling, but taking the step of marriage counseling may be the first step in moving you towards the marriage you hoped to have when you said “I do” on your wedding day.   If you are willing to face the unspoken fears, confront the challenges, embrace healing from the brokenness, and engage in process of restoring the relationship, you might discover the marriage you dreamed about is still a possibility.  Start today.

Love seems the swiftest but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century. ~Mark Twain

Marriage Counseling can address the following concerns:                
  1. Communication Issues
  2. Interpersonal Conflict
  3. Financial Issues
  4. Infidelity
  5. Parenting Challenges
Do any of the following thoughts cross your mind more than you would like?
  • I am not sure he/she really loves me anymore.
  • How did we get to this point?
  • Maybe we made a big mistake getting married?
  • Our marriage would be great if we could just change __________ .
  • Have we just drifted too far apart to be happy together?
  • Can we just make it until the kids are grown?
  • What kind of pain are our kids experiencing watching our relationship fall apart?
  • Can our marriage survive the pain and betrayal of infidelity?
  • We just can’t seem to find a way to communicate without fighting anymore.
  • We love each other so much, but something still seems to be missing.
  • I can’t believe we are really talking about divorce.

  “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ come together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”  – Dave Meurer 


To schedule your initial counseling appointment or your free 15-minute consultation to learn more, please contact our office at 469.629.8213 or email us at

Congratulations on taking the first step towards a new way of living in your marriage!